This modeling system is an up-graded version of NCEP GFS (as per 28 July 2010). A general description of the modeling system can be found in the following link:
An brief overview of GFS is given below.
Dynamics: Spectral, Hybrid sigma-p, Reduced Gaussian grids
Time integration: Leapfrog/Semi-implicit
Time filter: Asselin
Horizontal diffusion: 8th
order wavenumber dependent
Orography: Mean orography
Surface fluxes: Monin-obhukov Similarity
Turbulent fluxes: Non-local closure
SW Radiation; RRTM
LW Radiation: RRTM
Deep Convection: SAS
Shallow convection: Mass-flux based
Grid-scale condensation: Zhao Microphysics
Land Surface Processes: NOAH LSM
Cloud generation: Xu and Randal
Rainfall evaporation: Kessler
Air-sea interaction: Roughness length by Charnock
Gravity Wave Drag and mountain blocking: Based on Alpert
Sea-Ice model: Based on Winton